Saint Silverius Catholic Saint

CATHOLIC SAINTS 28-12-2023, 19:39


Saint Silverius

Catholic Saint

Saint Silverius-Pope and martyr

Feast Day : June 20



Silverius was the son of Pope St. Hormisdas, who had been married before becoming one of the higher clergy in the Roman Church. Silverius followed his father into the Church and was subdeacon at Rome when Pope St. Agapetus (r. 535–536) died at Constantinople on April 22, 536. Silverius was ordained his successor on June 1 or 8, 536. From the beginning, he was caught up in the political intrigues of the day, as the Byzantine Empire and the Ostrogoths struggled for control of Italy. He is thought to have died on December 2, around the year 537, while in captivity on the island of Palmaria. Another source says that he was buried there on June 20. By the 11th century, he was venerated as a saint. In art, Silverius is usually portrayed as a pilgrim pope with a small piece of bread on a plate. He is also shown with a paten or as he sits by a table on which there is a scroll while armed men approach.

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