Call to Return to God-Sirach 17:25-32

The Book of Sirach 28-12-2023, 20:13

Call to Return to God-SIRACH 17:25-32(A Call to Repentance)-Be converted to the LORD and give up your sins; plead with him to lessen your


Call to Return to God-Sirach 17:25-32

(A Call to Repentance)


Be converted to the LORD and give up your sins; plead with him to lessen your offence.


Return to the Almighty and turn aside from wrongdoing, and totally detest evil.


For who in the grave will praise the Almighty, if the living do not give him glory?


The dead man is as if he did not exist, and cannot give praise; he who has life and health can praise the LORD.


How great is the mercy of the LORD and his forgiveness for those who turn to him!


Man cannot have everything in his power, since he is not immortal.


What is brighter than the sun? Yet it disappears. Man is no more than flesh and blood, yet he thinks of doing evil.


While the LORD surveys the sun and the stars in the lofty sky, all men remain dust and ashes.


Call to Return to God-Sirach 17:25-32

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