The Revelation to John 28-12-2023, 20:08



Revelation 10:1 And I saw another strong Angel, descending from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet were like columns of fire.

Revelation 10:2 And he held in his hand a small open book. And he stationed his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot upon the land.

Revelation 10:3 And he cried out with a great voice, in the manner of a lion roaring. And when he had cried out, seven thunders uttered their voices.

Revelation 10:4 And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write. But I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me: “Seal the things that the seven thunders have spoken, and do not write them.”

Revelation 10:5 And the Angel, whom I saw standing upon the sea and upon the land, lifted up his hand toward heaven.

Revelation 10:6 And he swore by the One who lives forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that are in it; and the earth, and the things that are in it; and the sea, and the things that are in it: that the time will not be any longer,

Revelation 10:7 but in the days of the voice of the seventh Angel, when he shall begin to sound the trumpet, the mystery of God will be completed, just as he has proclaimed in the Gospel, through his servants the Prophets.

Revelation 10:8 And again, I heard a voice from heaven speaking with me and saying: “Go and receive the open book from the hand of the Angel who stands upon the sea and upon the land.”

Revelation 10:9 And I went to the Angel, saying to him that he should give the book to me. And he said to me: “Receive the book and consume it. And it shall cause bitterness in your stomach, but in your mouth it shall be sweet like honey.”

Revelation 10:10 And I received the book from the hand of the Angel, and I consumed it. And it was sweet like honey in my mouth. And when I had consumed it, my stomach was made bitter.

Revelation 10:11 And he said to me, “It is necessary for you to prophesy again about many nations and peoples and languages and kings.”

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