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St Aiphonsus Rodriguez

Catholic Saints 28-12-2023, 19:42

St Aiphonsus Rodriguez Confessor Saint of the day October 31



St Aiphonsus Rodriguez

Confessor (1532-1617)

Saint of the day October 31


Born on 25 July 1532, St Aiphonsus was a wool merchant in southern Spain. Subsequent to the death of his wife and children, he began a remarkable life of prayer and severe bodily mortification. At 39, he became a lay brother with the Jesuits on the island of Majorca, where he filled the humble position of “porter” (door-keeper) at Mount Sion College and Seminary for 46 years.


Although lacking a formal education, he exercised a remarkable and widespread influence over the steady stream of people who came to the Fathers for advice and guidance. He was known for his profound infused knowledge and the soundness of his doctrine. Through his childlike confidence in Our Lady he greatly popularized the “Little Office of the Immaculate Conception” by distributing copies which he had himself hand written.


As porter, he would tell himself that every time the door-bell rang, it was Christ who was seeking admittance, and with a cheerful “I’m coming, Lord!” he would go to welcome the next caller. The Fathers appreciated his humility and sanctity and often asked him to give one of his unpretentious and affectionate sermons at meal-time. Once, when the Provincial Superior was making a visitation, he jestingly asked Brother Alphonsus to give a short sermon in Greek. Humbly and obediently the old man, who knew little Latin and no Greek, ascended the pulpit, and for a full minute, slowly and solemnly, repeated the great “Kyrie eleison! Christe eleison! Kyrie eleison!”


This was the Saint with whom St Peter Claver was wont to have a daily conference and who revealed to him marvellous work in South America. He died on 31 October 1617. Beatified on 12 June 1825 by Pope Leo XII, Alphonsus Rodriguez was canonized with Peter Claver on 15 January 1888 by Pope Leo XIII.

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