Holy Eucharist

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32

EUCHARIST-The seven sacraments of the church Through Eucharist, we are united with the Lord's Body and Blood.





The seven sacraments of the church

Through Eucharist, we are united with the Lord's Body and Blood.


It is the sacrament of Thanksgiving or of Holy Communion.


Our Lord Christ established it in Person (Matt. 26:26).


The whole congregation participate with the celebrant and deacons together in the Eucharist's prayers and Hymns.


Although all sacraments contain and impart grace, the Eucharist carries the most sublime grace of all.


In the Eucharist, the bread and wine become the true Body and Blood of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Whereas in other sacraments the Lord bestows His gifts in accordance with each sacrament. In the Eucharist He offers His entire Self, so that partakers may enter in full and complete communion with Him. Being the sacrifice of Christ for all humanity, the Eucharist is universal in nature, embracing the living and the dead, and is not, as in the case of other sacraments, a grace restricted to one individual.


The Eucharist has also been known as the sacrament of Thanksgiving, the Lord's supper, the Lord's table, Christ's table, the sacred table, Holy Communion, the Holy sacrifice, the divine mystery.






The Holy Spirit grants us the following spiritual blessings through the seven church Sacraments:


1- Through Baptism, we receive the gift of the new birth.


2- Through  Confirmation we receive the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.


3- Through Eucharist, we are united with the Lord's Body and Blood.


4- Through Repentance and Confession, we attain the forgiveness of sins.


5- Through Priesthood, we are given the gift of serving God.


6- Through Matrimony, the groom and the bride become one.


7- Through Anointing Of the sick, God grants the cure.

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