The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32
The seven sacraments of the church:
Confession-Through Repentance and Confession, we attain the forgiveness of sins.
It is the offspring of faith pronounced by a martyr or a confessor (1 Tim. 6:13; 2 Cor. 9:13), and so in general its a declaration of religious belief. In this sense, many ancient creeds, viz. the Coptic baptismal creed, start by the words, "I or we confess..."
The acknowledgment of sin before God. Private or communal confession in the presence of a priest is integral with confession before God.
We confess that we are sinners, not ignoring the work of God in our lives. We condemn ourselves and praise God for His free grace. * The priest, as a father, cares for his children in confession and helps them to carry on uprightly.,
The Holy Spirit grants us the following spiritual blessings through the seven church Sacraments:
1- Through Baptism, we receive the gift of the new birth.
2- Through Confirmation we receive the Holy Spirit dwelling within us.
3- Through Eucharist, we are united with the Lord's Body and Blood.
4- Through Repentance and Confession, we attain the forgiveness of sins.
5- Through Priesthood, we are given the gift of serving God.
6- Through Matrimony, the groom and the bride become one.
7- Through Anointing Of the sick, God grants the cure.
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