A Typical Parishioner
Inspirational Short Stories 28-12-2023, 19:28
Catholic Homily
Readings: Tit 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10
A pastor was talking to a poor lady who worked hard as a cleaning woman. He told her how glad he was to see her in her place in church every Sunday, so attentive to his sermons. “Yes; it is such a rest after working hard all week, to come to church, sit down on the soft cushions and not think about anything,” she said. While her Sunday attendance is commendable, one wonders whether she can be a typical parishioner. The true parishioner is one who is in close fellowship with the rest of the parish community, enjoying the fellowship of a shared faith, shared parish work, shared joys and sorrows in the Lord. The early Christian community of which Titus had charge, was rather a small one. And yet, as St Paul’s letter to Titus shows (Tit 2:2,6), the community was made up of all age groups. In spite of it, it is likely that the people of this community knew each other rather intimately. One unfortunate thing about our modern parishes is that the parishioners are not sufficiently acquainted with each other and hence lose the spiritual fruits of Christian fellowship. One wonders whether some of the professing parishes have gone in for theatrics, running a showboat instead of a lifeboat, staging a performance instead of experiencing fellowship.
Readings: Tit 2:1-8, 11-14; Lk 17:7-10 TUESDAY - WEEK 32/ YEAR B

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