Concerning Mission

Inspirational Short Stories 28-12-2023, 19:28

Catholic Homily CONCERNING MISSION Readings: 3Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 SATURDAY - WEEK 32/ YEAR-B



Catholic Homily


Readings: 3Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 


If there be any one point in which the Church ought to keep its fervour at white heat, it is concerning mission. If there be anything about which we can not tolerate lukewarmness, it is the matter of sending the Good News to a dying world. It is so because Christ commanded his disciples to take the Gospel to every living individual and the Church exists by mission, as fire exists by burning. The first reading of today is taken from a letter written to a man named Gaius, who had welcomed some missionaries and given them hospitality, even though they were strangers to him. The letter encourages Gaius to give them the means necessary to continue their missionary journeys, “for they have set out for God’s sake” (3 Jn 7). As part of the Church, each baptised Christian is expected to be a missionary at least in three ways: by contributing to the missions, by being witnesses of our faith to others, and by prayer for the spread of the Gospel. It is not enough to possess faith in our conscience. The faith is both communal and outgoing. Hence there is the obligation of involving oneself with it and of spreading it. Though our task is not to bring all the world to Christ, our task is unquestionably to bring Christ to all the world.




Readings: 3Jn 5-8; Lk 18:1-8 SATURDAY - WEEK 32/ YEAR-B

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