Meaning of Homily

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32

The Homily homily meaning of homily catholic homily means



The Homily

Meaning of Homily

catholic Homily means



The Homily :


This remark is even more valid for the catechesis given in the setting of the liturgy, especially at the Eucharistic assembly. Respecting the specific nature and proper cadence of this setting, the homily takes up again the journey of faith put forward by .catechesis, and brings it to its natural fulfilment.

At the same time it encourages the Lord’s disciples to begin anew each day their spiritual journey in truth, adoration and thanksgiving. Accordingly, one can say that catechetical teaehing too finds its source and its fulfilment in the Eucharist, within the whole circle of the liturgical year.


Preaching, centred upon the Bible texts, must then in its own way make it possible to familiarize the faithful with the whole of the mysteries of the faith and with the norms of Christian living. Much attention must be given to the homily: it should be neither too long nor too short; it should always be carefully prepared, rich in substance and adapted to the hearers, and reserved to ordained ministers. The homily should have its place not only in every Sunday and feastday Eucharist, but also ilى the celebration of baptisms, penitential liturgies, marriages and funerals. This is one of the benefits of the liturgical renewal

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