Saint Chad Catholic Saint

Catholic Saints 28-12-2023, 19:39


Saint Chad

Catholic Saint

st.Chad-Bishop and founder

Feast Day : March 2



Also known as: Ceadda



Much of what is known about the life of Chad comes from the Venerable Bede, who was one of his monks and disciples. Chad was probably born in Northumbria. He was one of four brothers, all of whom entered the religious life. Cynibill and Caelin became priests. Cedd (with whom Chad is sometimes confused) became abbot of Lastingham and bishop of the East Saxons. Chad went to Lindisfarne and studied under St. Aidan. He then went to Ireland to the Monastery of Rathmelsige (Mefont), where he studied with St. Ecgberht (Egbert). He returned to England, and helped Cedd found the monastery of Laestingeau (Lasting- ham) in Yorkshire. When Cedd died, Chad became abbot. King Oswy made Chad archbishop of York. St. Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury, disciplined him for impropriety, but in 669 appointed him bishop of Mercia. Chad built a church and monastery at Litchfield. He received a vision foretelling his death, and died in 672. A shrine was built for him, and the miracles reported there attracted pilgrimages. In the 12th century, the shrine was removed to the cathedral at Litchfield. During the Reformation, his relics were taken to Birmingham to the cathedral dedicated to him. In art Chad is shown dressed as a bishop and holding a small church in his hand.

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