The Efficacy of Mother Mary’s Intercession

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32

The Efficacy of Mother Mary’s Intercession: The first miracle which Jesus worked at Cana was at Mother Mary’s intercession



The Efficacy of Mother Mary’s Intercession:


The first miracle which Jesus worked at Cana was at Mother Mary’s intercession. She still wields great power of intercession before the Throne of God.


In the 16th century the Ottoman Turks were the masters of the Mediterranean. Besides controlling the Mediterranean, they threatened to invade Rome and the other European countries. The Holy League  a coalition of Christian countries (Spain, Venice, Papacy, Genoa, Duchy of Savo‎y the Knights Hospitallers and others) decisively defeated the main fleet of the Ottoman war galleys. The five hour battle was fought at the northern edge of the Gulf of Patras, off Western Greece, where the Ottoman forces sailing westwards from their station in Lepanto met the forces of the Holy League, which came from Messina, on the 7th October 1571.


The defeat of the Turks in the battle of Lepanto is the most decisive naval battle anywhere on the globe since the Battle of Actium of 31 B.C. This victory at Lepanto ended the supremacy of the Turks over the Mediterranean.


The Holy League credited the victory of Lepanto to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose intercession they had prayed through the recitation of the Rosary. On 7th October 1571, when the battle was being fought a Rosary procession was offered at St. Peter’s Squire for the success of the Holy League. After the victory, Pope Pius V instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory to commemorate it, which is now celebrated as the feast of the holy Rosary


Today as we celebrate the feast of Mother Mary, let us pray to, “Mother Mary, Mother of God and our Mother too, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

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