Human Trafficking -A Modern Slavery
The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32
Human Trafficking -A Modern Slavery
A report attributed to (US. Department of State admits that many countries are still exploring ways to deal with human trafficking effectively. involuntary domestic servitude, sexual violence, forced child labour, enlisting child soldiers, child camel racers and child sex trafficking are some of the main forms of trafficking in persons. The victims number over 12 million and it is a ‘trade’ that involves billions of dollars annually. Despite such blatant violation of human rights, more than 100 countries of the world are still without laws, policies or regulations to prevent human trafficking.
The wide range of the forms of trafficking means that this matter is not only a human rights issue, but also an issue of civil liberties. Too often the victims of trafficking are seen as society’s throwaways, not important enough to be a matter for concern. Even where action is taken, it is frequently limited to punishing the perpetrators, without offering assistance to the victims.
In spite of the seriousness of the problem, it is unfortunate that no determined efforts are being made to stop it. More strict laws as well as cooperation among governmental and non-governmental agencies are needed to curb this modern form of slavery. There is also need for blacklisting the companies that use trafficked labour force and boycotting their products and services. Humanity needs to rise against this terrible slur on its face.

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