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Loneliness Kills

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32

Loneliness Kills-“Mummy, where are you? Come home soon. lt’s getting dark. l am scared to death!”-spreadjesus.org


Loneliness Kills


 “Mummy, where are you? Come home soon. lt’s getting dark. l am scared to death!”


A 16-year-old girl called her mother, who was away attending a function. Her mother advised her to move to the upper floor of the house and wait for her to come home. The girl was alone in the house. She was frightened to be alone. lt was getting dark. She felt the absence of her parents. She badly needed someone at her side.


Fear and loneliness are two things that grip the modern generation. We feel threatened to be alone, threatened by an unknown enemy. Sometimes we feel lonely and abandoned. Our fears are caused by the knowledge that we have something to lose  our family, job, property, reputation, health and even life itself.


But the fact of the matter is that we are not alone in this world. We have a God who is close to us, walks by us and protects us from all dangers. He knows everything that we go through - nothing that happens to us escapes him. When we feel frightened, scared, lonely and abandoned, God knows and he cares for us. Our fears vanish when we know that our life is safe and secure in His loving hands.


The Psalmist in the Bible, although he has many things to fear, feels confident in the presence of God:


If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear. You are there with your crook and your staff; with these you give me comfort.” - Psalm 23:4


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