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Three Important Questions

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:33

Three Important Questions We need to ask the following soul searching questions to understand our journey towards wholeness.-spreadjesus.org


Three Important Questions


We need to ask the following soul searching questions to understand our journey towards wholeness.


1. “But who do you say I am?” (Mt 16:15). Jesus asked this question in the context of his suffering, the paschal mystery. Our answer to this question will show our attitudes and embody our decisions and commitments and in turn affect our relationships with God and others.


2. “Do you know what I have done to you?” (Jn 13:12). Jesus says this at the last supper, after washing the disciples’ feet. His life, ministry and death are a single incarnate expression of the Father's love. Whenever we acknowledge the great gift of God we will readily respond in the words of St Ignatius of Loyola, Take, O Lord and receive.


3. “Whom do you seek?” (Jn 18:4). Jesus asked this question of the soldiers and the mob which came to arrest him. He repeated the question. This question should be our constant travelling companion on the spiritual journey. In every crisis, at every fork on the road we need to seek the Lord alone.


These three questions are simple, and yet interdependent. To identify with Jesus in our life, to acknowledge what he has been and done, and to seek him above all else constitutes the journey of holistic life. The journey is from Bethlehem to Jerusalem to Calvary and then to Galilee. It needs fidelity incarnated through Christ-like lived experience.


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