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What Is God’s Will?

The Catholic Church 21-10-2023, 20:13

What Is God’s Will? A prominent aspect of the seeker’s spiritual life is to seek God and his presence, his plan for her and to fulfil it.-spreadjesus.org


What Is God’s Will?


A prominent aspect of the seeker’s spiritual life is to seek God and his presence, his plan for her and to fulfil it. Jesus gave us his own example. He proclaimed, I have come to do the will of my Father. My food is to do the will of my Father. Who is my brother? The one who does the will of my Father (Mt 12:50). Jesus wants me to do the Father’s will. How do I seek his will? Doing his will is not a burden, but a relationship, a family bond, a common endeavour with God.


It is the seeker’s awareness of God’s personal love that heals, and frees her to do his will, encourages and strengthens her. When the seeker is conscious of God and his love in spite of her failures, she can focus on God and do his will in a spirit of trust and confidence. That spirit of humility creates an ability to relax and frees her from the fears, doubts, and hesitations that stand in the way of a full and generous service of God.


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