Saint David Catholic Saint
Catholic Saints 28-12-2023, 19:39
Saint David
Catholic Saint
st.David-Confessor, bishop, monastic founder, patron saint of Wales
Feast Day : March 1
Patronage: doves; poets; Wales
Also known as: Degui; Dewi; the Waterman
Few facts are known about the life of David. According to tradition, he was born at Henvynyw (Vetus- Menevia) in Cardiganshire; some sources place his birth at about 520. He played a prominent role at the Synod of Brevi and in 569 presided over a synod held at Lucus Victoriae. He was bishop of Menevia, Pembrokeshire, also known as the Roman port of Menapia, and later renamed St. David’s. A longstanding tradition exists in Wales of wearing a leek on St. David’s Day, in remembrance of a battle against the Saxons in which David is said to have told the Welsh to wear leeks in their hats to distinguish themselves from the enemy.
Legends about David were recorded by medieval writers, including Geoffrey of Monmouth. According to lore, his birth was prophesied 30 years in advance by an angel appearing to St. Patrick. Another story tells how an angel appeared to his father, Sanctus, in a dream and prophesied David’s birth. David was born to a violated nun. He was educated by St. Illtyd at Caerworgorn in Glamorganshire and then studied under St. Paulinus, who was blind due to excessive weeping. David cured him of his blindness by making the sign of the cross. Paulinus was directed by an angel to dispatch David to evangelize the British. During his travels, David founded 12 monasteries (Glastonbury and Bath are among those credited to him), suffered the temptations of women and had fabulous adventures. His monks tried to poison his bread, but David was warned by St. Schuthyn who rode from Ireland one night on the back of a sea monster. David blessed the bread and ate it without injury. He was credited with raising the dead and having a hill rise up under him so that a multitude could hear him preach.
David is said to have made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem with two other saints to be consecrated archbishop, but the story probably is not accurate. King Arthur allowed him to move his see from Caerleon to Menevia, where David ruled for many years, dying at the unlikely age of 147 on a day he predicted. His soul was witnessed as it was borne to heaven. He was buried at the monastery, then moved to St. David’s Cathedral. Supposedly his remains were moved to Glastonbury in 966, but they apparently were still at St. David’s in 1346. That tomb is now empty. In art David is shown standing on a small hill with a dove on his shoulder. He was nicknamed “the Water Waterman” because of his strict monastic rule prohibiting alcohol.

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