THE HOLY BIBLE 28-12-2023, 20:16

ORIGIN-INSPIRATON-AND HISTORY OF THE BIBLE-REVISED NEW TESTAMENT TRANSLATION,Since the introduction of the New American Bible in 1970, interest and participation in Bible study has increased rapidly.




Since the introduction of the New American Bible in 1970, interest and participation in Bible study has increased rapidly. Awareness of this trend combined with the experience of its actual use (especially in oral proclamation) provided a basis for a revision of the original New Testament text. *Begun in 1978 and completed in 1986, the threefold purpose of this revision (also expressed in the preface of the first edition) was: “to provide a version suitable for liturgical proclamation, for private reading and for purposes of study.”


An additional concern of the editors was the production of a version as accurate and faithful to the original Greek text as possible. At the same time, special attention was paid to ensure that the language chosen not only reflected contemporary American usage, but eliminated all discrimination (especially against women) whenever possible.


More abundant introductions, footnotes and explanatory material were also added to facilitate devotional reading and make the revision more suitable for purposes of study.


The New American Bible is a Roman Catholic translation. This revision, however, like the first edition, is the result of collaboration with scholars from other Christian Churches, both among the revisors and members of the editorial board.


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