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Biblical Definitions 28-12-2023, 19:50

EDUCATION-Meaning Of EDUCATION,Biblical Definition Of EDUCATION,Christian Meanings,Definition Of EDUCATION


Biblical Definition Of EDUCATION



Biblical Definition Of EDUCATION

-Christian Meanings




In early times there were no schools such as we know them today, and most children were educated at home. It was the responsibility of parents to teach their children the history and social customs of their nation, to instruct them in right living and to prepare them for adult life. This preparation involved teaching and training in reading, writing, crafts, trades and household work (Exod 13:8,14; Deut 4:9-10; Prov 1:8; 4:1-9; 31:1). In the case of Israelites, parents had a particular responsibility to teach their children the religion given them by God (Deut 6:6-9). Christian parents have a similar responsibility (Eph 6:4; 2 Tim 1:5; 3:15).


People of higher social status often received a more formal education through private instructors who were appointed as the children’s guardians (2 Kings 10:1; Acts 7:22; Gal 3:24-25). Institutions known as wisdom schools were later established for the teaching and training of upper class people in philosophical thought (Eccles 12:9,11; Jer 18:18). Prophets also had schools for the training of their disciples (2 Kings 2:3; 4:38; Isa 8:16).


For ordinary Israelites, the highest academic instruction they received was the teaching of the law of Moses. Originally the priests were the teachers, but by New Testament times the scribes had taken over most of the teaching activity (Deut 33:10; Ezra 7:6,10; Neh 8:1-4,8; Matt 23:2-3). The power of the scribes had developed along with the establishment of places known as synagogues, which became centres of instruction for Jewish people in general (Matt 4:23; Luke 4:16-21).


Jewish men could, if they wished, receive a more thorough education in the Jewish law by becoming students of learned Jewish teachers (John 3:10; Acts 5:34). They usually sat at the feet of their teachers (Acts 22:3), and learnt by memorizing facts and having question-and-answer sessions with their teachers (Deut 31:19; Luke 2:46). These teachers often taught in the temple (Matt 26:55; Luke 2:46; cf. 19:47).


In addition to education in this traditional religious setting, education in a Greek philosophical setting was also common in New Testament times. This created difficulties for Christians, because of the conflicts between values taught in this kind of education and values taught in Christian homes and churches (1 Cor 1:20-25; Col 2:8).


Such conflicts will always exist. Christians may consider that when a government accepts responsibility for the education of its citizens, it is fulfilling part of its God-given task. It is helping provide for society’s well-being (Rom 13:4). But this does not relieve Christian parents and church leaders of their responsibilities concerning the proper instruction, development and growth of those within their care (Eph 4:13-15; 6:4; 2 Tim 3:14-17; Heb 5:14; 13:17).



EDUCATION-Meaning Of EDUCATION,Biblical Definition Of EDUCATION,Christian Meanings,Definition Of EDUCATION


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