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Funny Jokes Why does everyone call me cheap and stingy?

jokes 28-12-2023, 19:21

Funny Jokes Why does everyone call me cheap and stingy?


Funny Jokes Why does everyone call me cheap and stingy?


The richest man in town met with a minister after theSunday service. “Why does everyone call me cheap and stingy?”
complained the man. I've told everyone I am leaving half my money to the church when I die.” The minister nodded. “It reminds me of the story about the pig and the cow. The cow was much loved by the farmer and his neighbours, while the pig was not popular at all. The pig could not understand this and asked the cow about it. ‘How come you are so well liked, cow? People say you’re good because you give milk and butter and cream every day. But I give more than that. From me they get bacon and ham, pork chops and more; they even pickle my feet. But no one likes me, and they love you. Why do you think that is?’ “The cow looked down at the pig and answered, ‘Perhaps it’s because I give while I’m still alive.”

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