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The Book of Proverbs Chapter-6

The Book of Proverbs 28-12-2023, 20:12

The Book of Proverbs|Holy Bible|WISDOM BOOKS

The Book of Proverbs


Proverbs 6:1 My son, if you have taken a pledge on behalf of your friend, then you have bound your hand to an outsider,


Proverbs 6:2 then you are ensnared by the words of your own mouth, and taken captive by your own words.


Proverbs 6:3 Therefore, my son, do what I say, and free yourself, for you have fallen into the hand of your neighbor. Run, hurry, awaken your friend.


Proverbs 6:4 Do not grant sleep to your eyes, nor let your eyelids slumber.


Proverbs 6:5 Rescue yourself like a gazelle from the hand, and like a bird from the hand of the fowler.


Proverbs 6:6 Go to the ant, you lazy one, and consider her ways, and so learn wisdom.


Proverbs 6:7 For though she has no ruler, nor instructor, nor leader,


Proverbs 6:8 she provides meals for herself in the summer, and she gathers at the harvest what she may eat.


Proverbs 6:9 How long will you slumber, you lazy one? When will you rise up from your sleep?


Proverbs 6:10 You will sleep a little, you will slumber a little, you will fold your hands a little to sleep,


Proverbs 6:11 and then destitution will meet with you, like a traveler, and poverty, like an armed man. Yet truly, if you would be diligent, then your harvest will arrive like a fountain, and destitution will flee far from you.


Proverbs 6:12 An apostate man, a harmful man, walks with a perverse mouth;


Proverbs 6:13 he winks with the eyes, touches with the foot, speaks with the finger.


Proverbs 6:14 With a depraved heart he devises evil, and at all times he sows conflict.


Proverbs 6:15 To this one, his perdition will arrive promptly, and he shall be crushed suddenly: he will no longer have any remedy.


Proverbs 6:16 Six things there are that the Lord hates, and the seventh, his soul detests:


Proverbs 6:17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood,


Proverbs 6:18 a heart that devises the most wicked thoughts, feet running swiftly unto evil,


Proverbs 6:19 a deceitful witness bringing forth lies, and he who sows discord among brothers.


Proverbs 6:20 My son, preserve the precepts of your father, and do not dismiss the law of your mother.


Proverbs 6:21 Bind them to your heart unceasingly, and encircle them around your throat.


Proverbs 6:22 When you walk, let them keep step with you. When you sleep, let them guard you. And when you keep watch, speak with them.


Proverbs 6:23 For commandment is a lamp, and law is a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life.


Proverbs 6:24 So may they guard you from an evil woman, and from the flattering tongue of the outsider.


Proverbs 6:25 Let not your heart desire her beauty; do not be captivated by her winks.


Proverbs 6:26 For the price of a prostitute is only one loaf. Yet the woman seizes the precious soul of a man.


Proverbs 6:27 Would a man be able to conceal fire in his bosom, so that his garments would not burn?


Proverbs 6:28 Or could he walk over burning coals, so that his feet would not be burned?


Proverbs 6:29 So also, he who enters to the wife of his neighbor shall not be clean when he touches her.


Proverbs 6:30 Not so great is the fault when someone has stolen. For he steals so as to satisfy a hungry soul.


Proverbs 6:31 Also, if he is apprehended, he shall repay sevenfold and hand over all the substance of his house.


Proverbs 6:32 But whoever is an adulterer, because of the emptiness of his heart, will destroy his own soul.


Proverbs 6:33 He gathers shame and dishonor to himself, and his disgrace will not be wiped away.


Proverbs 6:34 For the jealousy and fury of the husband will not spare him on the day of vindication,


Proverbs 6:35 nor will he agree to the pleadings of anyone, nor will he accept, as repayment, a multitude of gifts.

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