Our Revitalization in Sorrow

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:33

Our Revitalization in Sorrow

There is yet another effect of the natural sunrise which finds a spiritual counterpart in the Dayspring from on High. The light and warmth of the early morning sun is that which revitalizes life on earth. As the light of the sun rises on the eastern horizon, the flowers of the field once again turn and open to absorb the benefits it offers. The animals which hid from the darkness and dangers of the night begin to come out of the caves and hollow logs to enjoy the day. The people of primitive lands begin to remove the coverings which kept them warm in the night as the sunlight of a new day announces yet another opportunity to work while it is still light. It is, therefore, not without significance that Zacharias should note the shining of light to those who walked in “the shadow of death” (Luke 1:79). Light was one of the great symbols of Messianic prophecy. According to Isaiah, the Messianic light was to shine brightest in Galilee of the Gentiles, upon people who walked in darkness (Isaiah 9:1,2). Often those who find themselves hiding in the shadows are the ones who benefit most from the light. Darkness aids the criminal in the successful accomplishment of his crime. For that reason people all over the world fear the night and eagerly await morning. The pilgrims of Israel understood the significance of the coming morning and the greater significance of their coming Lord. As they sang their hymns of worship, they testified, “My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning” (Psalm 130:6). In our sorrow, pain, and hurt the Dayspring from on High shines its revitalizing light and warmth. How often has the discouraged Christian, groping in the shadows of even death itself, found in that heavenly sunrise the source of strength he needs to continue? How encouraging the thought that in our constant struggle with the darkness of this world, the Dayspring from on High shines a light which the darkness cannot hide. French theologian Frederic Godet used to think of the Dayspring in the context of an eastern caravan which had lost its way in the night but, while sitting down and expecting death, soon noticed a star begin to rise over the horizon, providing the light which would lead them to the place of safety. Unquestionably, there are and will be many times in life when, like those discouraged traders, the believer would resign to defeat but for the appearance of the morning light from Heaven.

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