Mary Is Our Mother
The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32
Jesus Christ gave to John - and by implication, all Christians - His Mother, to be our Spiritual Mother (Jn 19:26-27; cf. Rev 12:1-2,5,17). Our Lord said, Behold your mother. He was not suggesting that Mary become our mother, but that Mary is our Mother. And to Mary He gave us as children. But, if this is true, how do we make theological sense of this relationship? Turning again to Scripture, we can best understand it by considering St. Paul‘s beautiful doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ (cf. Col 1:18, Eph 4:15). In this whole Body, St. Paul refers to Christ as the Head and the Church as the Body. Head and Body make up the entire and whole Mystical Body of Jesus Christ. Now, if we say that Mary gave birth to Jesus, the Head of the Body, then it must be that she gave birth to the entire Body since a true body cannot be separated. Thus, it would mean that she gave birth to the members as well. Thus, we can ask for her prayers on our behalf, which have great efficacy due to her exalted holiness and closeness to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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