The book Of The Bible Genesis
The Catholic Bible 28-12-2023, 20:14
The book Of The Bible Genesis
The first book of the Bible is not a scientific narrative about the origin of the universe. Rather, it is the story of the beginning of humanity’s relationship with God. The literary context of the book is the origin of everything, of the world, of humanity, of The people of God. The narrative is ac cumulation of oral traditions told from generation to generation over the centuries about the dependence of all things on God and about humanity’s purpose and destiny as creatures made in the image and like Ness of God. Genesis contains four major divisions: (1.1-l1), the creation narratives; (12.1-25,18), the stories of Abraham; (25.19-36,43), the stories of Jacob; and (37.1-50.26), the stories of Joseph.
The first cre ation story is read every year in the liturgy at the Easter Vigil. Also, each year on the Vigil of Pentecost, the story of the Tower of Babel is read. Other parts of Genesis are read during the liturgy in Year l of the week day liturgical calendar starting on Monday of the Fifth Week of the Year through Saturday of the Fourteenth Week.

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