The book Of The Bible Obadiah

The Catholic Bible 28-12-2023, 20:13

The book Of The Bible Obadiah Obadiah Is t he shortest book of the or. It contains only 21 verses, which preserve Obadiah’s bitter prophecy against Edom. The date of composition of the book of Obadiah

The book Of The Bible Obadiah

Obadiah Is the shortest book of the or. It contains only 21 verses, which preserve Obadiah’s bitter prophecy against Edom. The date of composition of the book of Obadiah is thought by many scholars to be sometime in the sixth or fifth century BCE following the Babylonian exile in 587. Obadiah’s call for vengeance against Edom (Esau) draws from the historical enmity be tween the twin brothers Jacob and Esau and probably was provoked by the fact of the Edomites’ complicity in the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem.


Obadiah calls for the vindication of Israel on the Day of the Lord when Israel’s enemies will be pun ished, the house of Esau destroyed, and the house of Jacob restored. There are no verses from the book of Obadiah quoted in the NT, nor are there passages taken up by the Roman Missal. However, Obadiah’s judgment against Edom is not without parallel oracles else where in the OT, e.g.,Jer 49. 7-22.

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