St. Paul’s Missionary Journeys

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32

St. Paul Missionary Journeys


St. Paul’s Missionary Journeys


On their return to Antioch Paul and Barnabas bring John Mark with them and are sent on a missionary journey (Paul’s first Journey, Acts 13 and 14). John leaves them to return to Jerusalem. This journey took place c.46-49AD. After finishing their journey, Paul and Barnabas are dispatched from Antioch to Jerusalem (Acts 15, the Jerusalem Council of 49AD) to resolve the all-important conflict over whether gentile converts needed to be circumcised and follow Jewish dietary laws. Soon after, Paul suggest to Barnabas that they revisit the places of their first journey. However, they have a disagreement because Paul does not wish to take John Mark with them, and Paul undertakes his second missionary journey with Silas (Acts 15-18) c.50-52AD. This was the most significant of the journeys because Paul, influenced by a dream (Acts16) began to preach in mainland Europe, in Greece. Paul’s third journey (Acts 18-20) took place c.54-58AD.

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