Temptations Prove Man’s Worth

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:33

Temptations Prove Man’s Worth


Temptations Prove Man’s Worth




MY CHILD, temptations are often very profitable to you, distressing and troublesome though they be. They help to lessen your foolish pride by showing you your weaknesses. Without temptations you could deceive yourself intoa dangerous selfconfidence. They teach you many things which can help you come closer to Me in your daily life. They can purify your soul by forcing you to resist evil and practice virtue. Troubles, afllictions and opposition bring you opportunities for heavenly merit.


2. Temptations prove the real worth of your virtues. Often you do not really know yourself until you have faced various temptations. They make your virtues shine out, and they help you to see what spiritual gain you have made. Anyone can act virtuously when things are going as he desires. The man who keeps his patience in time of adversity can rightly hope for a lasting reward from Me.





Were I never tempted, I might never know my real self. I cannot be sure of my own sincerity and motives until I have proved them by action. Anyone can talk about a good life, but the only real proof of goodness is living a good life. I would hate to find out too late that I am completely unworthy of G0d’s gifts. My tempta- tions give me a chance to prove how truly I mean it when I say that I want to please God in all things.




Father of all truth and goodness, let me be loyal to Your holy Will. Your way is the best and only way to live. Grant me grace to see my many faults and to overcome them for Your sake. In all temptations, I want to prefer to die rather than offend You by sin. Amen.

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