Prayer for the Missions

Christian Prayers 18-10-2022, 19:15

Prayer for the Missions-Christian Prayer:Most lovable Lord Jesus, who at the price of your precious Blood have redeemed the world..



Prayer for the Missions

-Christian Prayers


Most lovable Lord Jesus, who at the price of your precious Blood have redeemed the world, look with your eyes of pity on unhappy humankind, so large a portion of which still lies in error. Grant that the light of truth may shine upon them in the fullness of its splendor.


Multiply, O Lord, the messengers of the Gospel with your grace strengthen, bless and reward their labors, so that by them all unbelievers may come to know and follow you, their Creator and their Redeemer.


Recall to your fold the sheep that have strayed; lead back the rebellious to your one true Church. Hasten, O most adorable Jesus, the joyful coming of your kingdom upon earth. Draw all men to your most sweet Heart, that all may share in the priceless gifts of your redemption, in the eternal happiness of heaven.





Our Father, Hall Mary, Glory be.

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