Prayer For protection Through The precious Blood Of Jesus
Christian Prayers 9-01-2023, 11:44
Lord Jesus by faith in your merits, I now take your Precious Blood and sprinkle it over (Name) on his mind, on his memory, on his concentration, on his retaining power, on his intelligence, on his books, ( .... ..), right from the crown of his head to the very soles of his feet. l can claim total and complete protection for his life, . . . etc.
Lord Jesus, keep him free today from evil, sin, temptation, Satan's attacks and afflictions, fear of others, sickness, disease, doubts, anger, all calamities and from all that is not of thy kingdom. Fill (Name) Lord Jesus with the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, faith, understanding and discernment so that he lives today in your glory by doing what is right. Praise you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

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