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Restoration of the Widow’s Son

Bible Stories 28-12-2023, 19:45

Bible Stories Restoration of the Widow’s Son. 2 Kings 4:18-37

Restoration of the Widow’s Son

2 Kings 4:18-37

Bible Stories


2 Kings 4:18 And the boy grew. And on a certain day, when he had gone out to his father, to the harvesters,

2 Kings 4:19 he said to his father: “I have a pain in my head. I have a pain in my head.” But he said to his servant, “Take him, and lead him to his mother.”

2 Kings 4:20 But when he had taken him, and he had led him to his mother, she placed him upon her knees, until midday, and then he died.

2 Kings 4:21 Then she went up and laid him out on the bed of the man of God, and she closed the door. And departing,

2 Kings 4:22 she called her husband, and she said: “Send with me, I beg you, one of your servants, and a donkey, so that I may hurry to the man of God, and then return.”

2 Kings 4:23 And he said to her: “What is the reason that you would go to him? Today is not the new moon, and it is not the Sabbath.” She responded, “I will go.”

2 Kings 4:24 And she saddled a donkey, and she instructed her servant: “Drive, and hurry on. You shall cause no delay for me in departing. And do whatever I instruct you to do.”

2 Kings 4:25 And so she set out. And she came to the man of God, on mount Carmel. And when the man of God had seen her at a distance, he said to his servant Gehazi: “Behold, it is that Shunammite woman.

2 Kings 4:26 So then, go to meet her, and say to her, ‘Does all go well concerning you, and your husband, and your son?’ ” And she answered, “It is well.”

2 Kings 4:27 And when she had arrived at the man of God, on the mount, she took hold of his feet. And Gehazi drew near, so that he might remove her. But the man of God said: “Permit her. For her soul is in bitterness. And the Lord has concealed it from me, and has not revealed it to me.”

2 Kings 4:28 And she said to him: “Did I ask a son from my lord? Did I not say to you, ‘You should not deceive me?’ ”

2 Kings 4:29 And so he said to Gehazi: “Gird your waist, and take my staff in your hand, and go. If any man will meet you, you shall not greet him. And if anyone greets you, you shall not respond to him. And place my staff upon the face of the boy.”

2 Kings 4:30 But the mother of the boy said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not release you.” Therefore, he rose up, and he followed her.

2 Kings 4:31 But Gehazi had gone before them, and he had placed the staff upon the face of the boy. And there was no voice, nor any response. And so he returned to meet him. And he reported to him, saying, “The boy did not rise up.”

2 Kings 4:32 Therefore, Elisha entered the house. And behold, the boy was lying dead upon his bed.

2 Kings 4:33 And entering, he closed the door upon himself and the boy. And he prayed to the Lord.

2 Kings 4:34 And he climbed up, and lay across the boy. And he put his mouth over his mouth, and his eyes over his eyes, and his hands over his hands. And he leaned himself over him, and the body of the boy grew warm.

2 Kings 4:35 And returning, he walked around the house, first here and then there. And he went up, and lay across him. And the boy gasped seven times, and he opened his eyes.

2 Kings 4:36 And he called Gehazi, and said to him, “Call this Shunammite woman.” And having been called, she entered to him. And he said, “Take up your son.”

2 Kings 4:37 She went and fell at his feet, and she reverenced upon the ground. And she took up her son, and departed.

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