Chaplet To St Joseph
Christian Prayers 25-11-2024, 08:46
Chaplet To St Joseph
1. O Saint Joseph, faithful cooperator in our redemption, have pity on the human race still enmeshed in many errors, vices and superstitions. You were a docile instrument in the hands of the heavenly Father to dispose everything for the birth and childhood of Jesus Christ, and in preparing the Victim, Priest and Divine Master for all men.
O most docile saint, obtain for us zeal for vocations and their formation, and make us generous and constant in corresponding to the poaceous gift of the call of God.
Saint Joseph: pray for us.
2. O Saint Joseph, model of every virtue, obtain for us your interior spirit. In the loving and active silence, in the practice of all the religious and social precepts, in docility to everything willed by God, you reached the highest degree of sanctity and heavenly glory.
Obtain for us an increase of faith, hope and charity; large infusion of the cardinal virtues and abundance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Joseph: pray for us.
3. O Saint Joseph, we venerate you as a model of workers, friend of the poor, consoler of the suffering and immigrants, the saint of divine providence. On earth you symbolized the good ness and universal care of the heavenly Father. You were the carpenter of Nazareth, teacher of a trade to the Son of God who became a humble worker for our sake.
Help with your prayers those who work in the intellectual, moral and material fields. #Obtain for nations a law that conforms to the Gospel, to the spirit of Christian charity, and a social order that conforms to justice and peace.
Saint Joseph: pray for us.
4. O Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus, I bless the Lord for your intimate communion with him during his childhood and youth at Bethlehem, in Egypt and at Nazareth. You loved him as a father and he loved you as a son. Your faith made you adore him as the incarnate Son of God, while he obeyed you, served you and listened to you. You had delightful conversations with him, you did the same work as he did, and you had great pain and very sweet consolations.
Obtain for me the grace never to offend and lose Christ through sin. Pray for me that I may always confess and communicate well, arrive at a great intimacy and tender and strong love for Christ on earth and possess him in heaven for ever.
St Joseph: pray for us.
5. O Saint Joseph, most pure spouse of Mary, we humbly pray you to give us a true devotion towards our tender mother, teacher and queen. God willed to associate your mission with that of Mary: with Mary you shared sorrows and joys; with her you did strive for virtue, for work and merits; you were united in mind and heart.
Obtain for us the grace to know the most holy virgin Mother, to imitate her and to pray to her always. Draw many souls to her maternal heart. O Saint Joseph, pray for the fathers and mothers of families.
St Joseph: pray for us.
6. O Saint Joseph, protector of people in agony, we beseech you to help all the dying and also us in our last moments. With a holy life you merited a happy death and in your last hour you had the ineffable consolation of having the help of Jesus and Mary.
Save us from a sudden death; give us the grace to imitate you in life, to detach our heart from every worldly thing and to accumulate every day treasures for the moment of death.
Grant that we may receive well the sacraments of the dying. With Mary fill us with sentiments of faith, hope, charity and repentance that we may give up our life in peace.
Saint Joseph: pray for us.
7. O Saint Joseph, protector of the universal Church, look after the Pope, the bishops, the clergy, the religious and all Christians. The Church is the fruit of the blood of Christ your foster Son. Pray therefore that we all may be holy.
We beseech you that the Church may grow, be free and exalted. As once you saved the life of Jesus from the hands of Herod, so now defend the Church from errors, from evil and from the forces of hell.
Fulfil the desire of Christ: that there may be one fold under one Shepherd.
Saint Joseph: pray for us.
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