The book Of The Bible 1Chronicles
The Catholic Bible 28-12-2023, 20:14
The book Of The Bible 1 Chronicles
First Chronicles is the first part of a more comprehensive work that originally included 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah. Compiled during the fifth century BCE, all four parts of the whole work are concerned with the arrangements of temple worship in Jerusalem. First Chronicles reviews historical events leading up to David and his subsequent preparation for the building of the temple in Jerusalem. David is the central figure of 1 Chronicles beginning with the genealogical history (chs. 1-9), his ascension to the throne of the monarchy (chs. 10-12), his placement of the ark in Jerusalem (chs. 13-16), his military conquests (chs. 17-20), and his preparation for the temple construction before his death (chs. 21-29).
David is presented much more favorably In the history of the Chronicler than he is in the history of the Deuteronomist. The Chronicler’s history, like that of the Deuteronomist, is-an interpretation of events in light of God’s action and providence. There is only one passage from 1 Chronicles that is taken into the Roman Lectionary. It is a selection used as one of the choices for the First Reading in the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The passage describes the Levites bringing up the ark of the Lord to Jerusalem and placing it in the tent prepared for it surrounded by music appropriate for a liturgical setting as authorized by David (15.3-4, 15-16; 16.1-2). This passage evokes a striking image in the context of the Christian liturgy, which in terprets it as a prefiguring of the presence of the Word of God to his people through the motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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