The book Of The Bible Jeremiah

THE HOLY BIBLE 28-12-2023, 20:14

The book Of The Bible Jeremiah The book of Jeremiah presents prophecy at a time of national tragedy for the kingdom of Judah before, during, and after the Babylonian exile in 587 BCE.

The book Of The Bible Jeremiah

The book of Jeremiah presents prophecy at a time of national tragedy for the kingdom of Judah before, during, and after the Babylonian exile in 587 BCE. At that time Babylon invaded Judah, laid siege to Jerusalem, and destroyed the great temple. Anguish and grief as well as hope and promise for a new future mark the prophecy of Jeremiah as he struggles to make sense of all the chaos and destruction. He looks forward to a day when a new covenant would be made by God with he house of Israel and the house of Judah (31.31-34).

Christians later will interpret this prophecy as fulfilled in the gospel of the NT. Readings from the prophet Jeremiah occur consecutively from Wednesday of the Sixteenth Week of Year II through Thursday of the Eighteenth Week. Also, the famous prophecy from Jeremiah about the coming of a new covenant is read on the Fifth Sunday of Lent during Cycle B. Other texts from Jeremiah are selected for reading from time to time throughout the Sunday and weekday liturgical calendar and at occasions from the Proper of Saints and Commons and from the Ritual, Various and Votive Masses.

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