sunday Homily November 18

Inspirational Short Stories 28-12-2023, 19:28

HOMILY SUNDAY HOMILY THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY OF THE YEAR-B Readings I Reading Daniel:12:1-3 II Reading Hebrews:10:11-14,18 Gospel Reading Mark:13:24-32








I Reading  Daniel:12:1-3

II Reading Hebrews:10:11-14,18

Gospel Reading Mark:13:24-32


Those who proclaim the Lord’s name shall be protected by the Lord’s powers. But those who profane the Lord’s name shall perish in the Lord’s time


The Branch Davidians, a Christian sect, which was an off shoot of the Seventh Day Adventist church, firmly believed that the return of Christ was imminent, .but it could not happen until there was a purer Church which could receive Him. Victor Houteff, a Belgian immigrant to the United States founded a church in 1930 called Branch Davidian. Lot of people joined this church, but after his death in 1955, the organization fell apart. His wife Florence took over the church in 1959, she announced on Easter Day that the kingdom of God would come soon. Hundreds of followers across the US sold everything, quit their jobs, and made a trip to Waco for the big event. But on that day nothing happened. All were disappointed. Many left the sect.


In 1988, one David Koresh took charge of this group. He firmly believed that he was the 7th and the final angel destined to be the agent of God who would bring about the end of the world. He began to accumulate arms and ammunition in the ranch where they were staying - Mt Cannel. Their deadly beliefs were tipped off the police. The FBI, ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms) surrounded the building and asked David Koresh to surrender, They lay siege of the building for 51 days beginning From Feb 28, 1993 to April 19, 1993. Gun b0attles followed, in


the end David Koresh and his 80 followers - men, women and children died in the terrible inferno. In today’s Gospel, Jesus talked about the Last days and the accompanying disaster. He also said that the time and the hour of that day no one knows. He said, “But as for that day or hour, nobody knows it, neither the angels of heaven nor the Son; no one but the Father.” Yet time and time again, many falsely presume and claim that they are privy to the timing of the Doomsday. We need to be guarded against such fake claimants. Do not believe them. When Jesus spoke about the last days, He enumerated four signs, which would go before the Doomsday


1) There Will be False Messiahs


Jesus said that there would be not few, but many false messiahs. He warned, “Beware that you are not led astray, because many will come using my name, and say: ‘I am He’ (Lk:21: 8).” When Moses asked God’s name in Exodus, God said, “I Am Who I Am.” Jesus very clearly said that the false messiahs would be claiming that they are gods; that they would falsely claim to be having the essence of God. They would also announce the end of days. Jesus warned us not to be deceived by them. My dear brothers and sisters, we need to be careful of such people. They are very convincing and forceful in their speeches. David Koresh was well versed iٌ the Bible. He was a school dropout. He studied until the ninth grade only, but he could talk on the bible for hours together. Always be careful of such people. Do not get deceived. Jesus warned once, “Watch out for the false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves (Mt 7:15).”


2) There Will be Conflict of Nations


There will be wars and revolutions, which means tumults, revolts, riots, terrorism, insurrections, and confusions in the governments, but those who believe in God need not be afraid. Our focus should not be on the events that take place, but on God, who changes not. We are called to trust in God’s care and concern. Sometime back, when the Gulf war broke out, many people began to prophesy quoting Nostradamus that the end of the world has come. But what happened? Nothing. The war got over and the world continues as before. Jesus warned that the conflicts between nations would break out, but still the end was not near. These things must happen first. Many a time we live in perpetual fear  fear of the future. We look at uncertain events around and begin to despair. We must trust God. That’s what Jesus says, “Do not be afraid. Do not be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me (Jn 14:1).”


3) There Will be Natural Disasters


There will be earthquakes, famine, pestilence and astronomical events. When these things happen, the children of God are not to be afraid. The Lord promised protection to His faithful people in Psalms, “The young lions may lack and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord, shall not lack any good things (34:10).” The lion is the king of the forest; more so the young lion which is at the height of its strength. How can it go hungry? The Lord says, “ Those who seek the Lord shall never lack any good things.”


4) There Will be Persecutions of the Christians


You will he hated because you are Christians. When there is persecution and discriminations against us, we are always victorious. ‘the church grows from persecutions. The blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christianity. When there is persecution, Jesus promised and said, “Not a hair of yours shall perish.” A Christian is always safe in the everlasting arms of Jesus.


In the context of the end of days, we need to remember three things:


i. The end of the world is certain. One day, the world will come to an end. But when it will end, no one knows. Jesus said, “But about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father (Mt: 24:36).” Anyone who speculates and announces about the Doomsday, is a false prophet.


ii. Our business is not to speculate about the Last days. Look! Here it is or there it is. Our business is to be prepared for it whenever it comes.


iii. We should not live in fear. “Trust in God, trust also in me,” said Jesus. We are living in the everlasting and ever- loving arms of Jesus. No harm is going to happen to us. “The young lions may lack and go hungry, but those who seek the Lord shall never lack any good things.”


“Those who righteously proclaim the Lord’s name Shall be protected by the Lord’s power; But those who profane the Lord’s name Shall perish in the Lord’s time.”

Therefore, let us keep proclaiming the Lord’s name.

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