Devotion in honor of The Five Wounds Of CHRIST

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32



Devotion in honor of The Five Wounds Of CHRIST


I adore you, cross, in honor of the Cross on which hung our Lord Jesus Christ. By that holy wound which for our sakes you did bear in your right hand on the Cross, I pray you, Lord, to deliver me from all ills of body and soul.


Dearest Jesus, by that holy wound which you did suffer in the right foot on the Cross, lead us to know the way of truth. Glorious Jesus, by that holy wound which you bore for us in your left hand on the Cross, guard our hands from doing anything that is contrary to your will.


Blessed Jesus, by that holy wound which you received in your left foot on the Cross, keep our feet from going astray, keep them always on the path that leads to you.


Dearest Jesus, by that holy wound in your side, enkindle in our hearts the fire of your love; make us burn with unceasing longing to do your will as we ought.


O God, who for us sinners placed your hands and feet and your whole body on the Cross, and who bore the crown of thorns on your head, who suffered the five wounds for us sinners, redeeming us with your sacred blood, grant us this day and every day to practice penitence, patience, humility, and chastity; give us light, wisdom, understanding, and true knowledge, through yourself, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, world without end. Amen.

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