The Catholic Bible 28-12-2023, 20:15

ORIGIN-INSPIRATON-AND HISTORY OF THE BIBLE-DETERMINATION OF THE BIBLE CANON ,t the time the books of the New Testament were written, many other pious stories and legends relating to Christ and His times were also widely circulated.



At the time the books of the New Testament were written, many other pious stories and legends relating to Christ and His times were also widely circulated. As a result, in the early centuries of the Church, there was some confusion and doubt as to which books were inspired and biblical, and which were not. As far as is known, it was the Council of Hippo in A.D. 393 which first determined which books were inspired and were to be included in the Bible canon, a canon in every respect identical with the canon of the Council of Trent. Subsequent Councils confirmed this decision, and the Council of Trent, in 1546, formally canonized all the traditional books of the Bible. These books comprise the Old and the New Testaments, and it is a matter of faith for Catholics to believe that all passages of all books are equally inspired.

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