Jesus before the Sanhedrin

The Catholic Church 28-12-2023, 19:32

Jesus before the Sanhedrin:Those who had arrested Jesus brought him to the house of the High Priest Caiaphas,


Jesus before the Sanhedrin


Those who had arrested Jesus brought him to the house of the High Priest Caiaphas, where the teachers of the Law and the Jewish authorities were assembled. Peter followed him at a distance as far as the courtyard of the High Priest; he entered and sat with the guards, waiting to see the end. The chief priests and the whole Supreme Council were looking for some false evidence against Jesus, so that they might put him to death. But they were unable to find any, even though many false witnesses came forward. At last, two men came up and declared, “This man said: I am able to destroy the Temple of God and rebuild it in three days." The High Priest then stood up and asked Jesus, “Have you no answer at all to what these people are testifying against you?” But Jesus kept silent.

So the High Priest said to him, “ln the name of the living God, l put you on oath. Tell us: Are you the Christ, the Son of God?” Jesus answered, “lt is just as you say. l tell you more: from now on,"you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Power and coming on the clouds of heaven.” Then the High Priest tore his clothes, saying, “He has blasphemed. What more evidence do we need? You have just heard these blasphemous words. What is your verdict?” They answered, “He must die!” Then they began to spit on the face of Jesus and slap him while others hit him with their fists, saying, “Messiah, prophesy to us! Who is it that hit you?"

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