Bible Verses on Duties Towards Parents from Sirach

The Book of Sirach 25-11-2024, 16:42

Bible Verses on Duties Towards Parents from Sirach

Bible Verses on Duties Towards Parents from Sirach| 

Reverence for Parents-Sirach 3:1-16

  • My children, it is your father who speaks, listen to me and follow my advice and so be saved. 
  • For the LORD honor's a father over his children; he confirms the right of the mother over her sons. 
  • Whoever respects his father atones for his sins; he who gives honor to his mother prepares a treasure for himself. 
  • Whoever honor's his father will receive joy from his own children, and will be heard when he prays. 
  • Whoever glorifies his father will have a long life; whoever obeys the LORD gives comfort to his mother; he will serve his parents as he would serve the LORD. 
  • Honour your father in word and deed, so that his blessing may come on you. 
  • For a father's blessing secures the future of his children, but a mother's curse destroys them at their roots. 
  • Do not rejoice at the humiliation of your father, because his humiliation is no glory to you. 
  • For a man's glory comes from his father's reputation; a mother who is not respected is a disgrace to her children. 
  • My son, take care of your father in his old age, . and do not cause him sorrow as long as he lives. 
  • Even if he has lost his mind, have patience; do not be disrespectful to him while you are in full health. 
  • For kindness done to one's father will never be forgotten, it will serve as reparation for your sins. 
  • In the day of adversity, the LORD will remember it to your advantage; for just as ice melts in the heat, so will your sins melt away. 
  • Whoever abandons his father is like a blasphemer; he who annoys his mother is cursed by the LORD.
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