Salvation and Satanic Opposition

The Catholic Church 25-11-2024, 16:12

Salvation and Satanic Opposition

Salvation and Satanic Opposition 

 Satan’s purpose is also clearly revealed: he is the destroyer of life

Luke 8:12 - “Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.” This is the first part of the interpretation of the parable of the Sower. The picture given is of seed falling by the path and then a mighty swooping bird comes quickly and devours it. In this simple statement, Satan’s purpose is also clearly revealed: he is the destroyer of life, the one who works to rob people of divine opportunities and possibilities to believe and be saved. God is at work to save man eternally, but His work is fiercely and continually contested by His arch enemy. 


This underscores the fundamental importance of fighting against Satan’s work through prayer and perseverance in the face of discouragement. We cannot just sow the seed of God’s word and then just relax like a farmer who sleeps after sowing the seed. Rather as we go out with the Gospel, every care needs to be taken so that the seed grows into a healthy plant that bears much fruit. This requires watering and pulling out the weeds that grow up to choke the good seed.

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