4th Commandment

Bible Quotes Wallpapers 28-12-2023, 19:59

The Ten Commandments:4th Commandment-Honour your father and mother.:4th Commandment in 10 Commandments:10 Commandments Wallpapers :The Ten Commandments-Exudus 20:1-17 ::The Decalogue


The Ten  Commandments



 4th Commandment


Honour your father and mother.





The Ten Commandments (The Decalogue) are not like other ancient or modern systems of legislation cold and impersonal. They are addressed personally to every individual. ln fact, it is not correct to speak here about laws. “Torah”, the Hebrew name for the first 5 Books of the Bible, does not mean “law”. It is an instruction on how to live in the presence of a loving and faithful God. lt may be better described as “the Way" which leads to God. The Ten Commandments are the charter of freedom of the children of God. Christianity, too, in its earliest stage, was known as “the Way” (cf. Acts 9:2; l9:23; 22:4; 24:22).

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