Prayer for the Country : Unite in Faith and Hope for Our Nation

Christian Prayers 25-11-2024, 17:25

Prayer for the Country: Unite in Faith and Hope for Our Nation

Prayer for the Country: Unite in Faith and Hope for Our Nation

Heartfelt prayer for our country. Find solace and unity as we come together in faith to pray for peace, prosperity, and the well-being of our nation and its people.

Prayer for the country


 God, Father of all the peoples and nations of the earth, look graciously on us at this time of our great need for you, and hear the prayer we make for our country. Bless all of us with a Father's blessing, as You blessed Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Deliver us from all evil, selfishness and oppression, as you delivered our ancestors in the desert from their enemies. Heal our divisions and misunderstandings, and teach us to love one another as your Son, Jesus Christ, taught us to Love. 


Give wisdom, integrity, transparency and a spirit of service to our rulers, give a spirit of patriotism and loyalty to all our people. We ask your Fatherly guidance especially for our young men and women upon whom the future of our country depends. 


We pray for all those who have not yet heard the Good News brought to us by your Son, Jesus. We ask you to give your Spirit of light and change of heart to those carrying out dark practices or pursuing a life of violence and crime. 


 Bless the work of our hands and make it fruitful so that our country may gain and deserve an honoured place among the nations of the world. 


Give us peace, Lord: Peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our families, in our land. 


We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.

prayer for the country, national prayer, country blessings, prayers for peace, prayers for unity, prayers for prosperity, faith and hope, prayer guide, spiritual unity, blessings for the nation


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