The Seven Capital Sins

The Seven Capital Sins What is the origin of the seven capital sins? As commonly listed today, the seven...

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Salvation and GOD's Nature

Salvation and GOD's Nature God’s heart and character is to save life, not to destroy life The roots or...

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Why Are Catholics Required to Attend Mass?

Why Are Catholics Required to Attend Mass? God had commanded his people "to keep holy the [weekly]...

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What Is the Catholic Church?

What Is the Catholic Church? The Catholic Church is the only Church existing today which goes back to the...

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Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? He is God Almighty who came down from heaven Jesus said, “I am the one come down from heaven.”...

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Salvation and Satanic Opposition

Salvation and Satanic Opposition Luke 8:12 - “Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil...

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